
Carrie Underwood's Leg Workout

We all know that Carrie Underwood rocks a great pair of gams. She wasn't always so thin and toned. She works hard to keep her body looking the way it does now and she also follows a vegan diet.
She was a vegetarian and recently became vegan. She said she does splurge now and then on birthday cake if she is at a party. I know I can't blame her. I couldn't resist a slice of birthday cake either.
For the rest of us who haven't toned our legs yet, here is Carrie's leg workout. If it worked for her then as long as we stick with it, it should work for us too.

Carrie's Leg Workout

1. Back Lunges with a Bicep Curl

From a standing position, step one leg backwards into a deep lunge, then come back into a standing position, while also doing a bicep curl with free weights. Do 15 for each leg for two or three sets.
2. Front Lunges with a Torso Twist
Hold onto a medicine ball in front on you, step forward into a front lunge, then twist sideways in the direction of the lunge (if you lunge with your right leg, twist towards the right). Do 15 for each leg for two or three sets.
3. Jump Squats
Start from a squat position, jump into the air as high as you can, landing back into the squat position. Repeat for 20 to 25 reps

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