
What are the best cellulite busting exercises?

Best exercises to get rid of cellulite...

You may be in search of ways to get rid of cellulite.  In this video from Dr. Eric Berg he discusses what cellulite is and what type of exercises to do to get rid of cellulite.

Dr. Berg mentions there are 90 muscles in each leg and you need to target all of them in order to get rid of cellulite.  It's about doing multi dimensional exercises instead of 2 dimensional.  You need to work the muscles from different directions.

He shows a picture of a woman that was a couch potato until her later 50's and didn't workout a day in her life until then.  The picture of the woman is of her in her mid 70's and fit and no cellulite!  Amazing!  I would love to be that fit and healthy when I'm in my 70's, wouldn't you?

The example exercises to get rid of cellulite are doing 3 sets of 10 reps.  Towards the end of the video Dr. Berg shows the examples of what to do, one of them being squats.

Here is a video of Dr. Axe that has helpful tips to get rid of cellulite.........

Here are some of the tips he mentions to help reduce cellulite...
1. Amino acids
2. Vitamin C (kiwis, grapefruit, lemons)
3. Onions, garlic, cabbage, asparagus, spirulina
4. Potassium= banana, mangoes, sweet potatoes.
5. Omega 3 and 9 fats (wild salmon), chia seeds, flax seeds.
6. Grapefruit, citrus, coconut oil.

Dr. Axe mentions doing burst training, weight training or pilates.  With burst training is a 20 minute workout and you do it 3 days a week.

Tell me your results, have you done these exercises to get rid of cellulite?  I'd love to know and did it work for you?

Natural Wrinkle Treatment Recipe Facial Mask

This is a great, simple, inexpensive, natural treatment for those wrinkles that seem to have showed up on your face. The Omega-3's and other oils that are found naturally in almonds will help increase how much moisture your skin will be able to use and lock in. The honey in the recipe is antibacterial, and is filled with vitamins and much needed amino acids as well as much needed antioxidants. The combination of the 2 will be able to help reverse sun damage and help with reversing the aging process.
1 C of Milk
6-8 almonds (Raw)
3 Tbs Honey (Raw if possible)
Soak the almonds in the milk for at least 8 hrs. Then in a small bowl, smash the nuts and once it is into a paste form, add in the 3 Tbs honey and mix well.
Once mixed completely, apply mask to face and cover with a warm moist wash cloth. Relax for 20 minutes. Once the time has passed, rinse completely.
Your skin will be dewy and soft. You can do this treatment every other day if desired.

Dieting and weight loss got you down? I discovered the secrets to make you lose weight and lose the fat for good....

If you are like me, you have probably tried every diet that is out there and still find it hard to lose weight. Why is it that men can lose while women struggle to drop even a few pounds? It's not fair!
Well, losing weight is about eating sensible and exercising. Sounds easy right? Usually those words are coming out of the mouth of some 23 yr old who wears a size 0 and is claiming that she can relate to the rest of us.  I feel like saying "Sorry honey, go eat a lettuce sandwich and leave me alone. I'm not interested in hearing your advice".
One afternoon I was sitting and feeling sorry for myself. I was munching on my chips and dip when I came across  and saw an article about hormones and how they can make it impossible to lose weight. OK, now you got my attention.
The article went on to say that there are 2 main hormones that hold the keys to weight loss.  One is Gherlin. This is the evil hormone that stimulates the brain  tells you  "FEED ME".  It also has another clever little habit and that is that it promotes the formation of belly fat. It promotes fatty liver and that can develop insulin resistance.
The second hormone involved in weight loss/weight gain is Leptin. This is the appetite suppressor. This is the hormone that signals your brain to tell you " STOP EATING". It is made in the fat tissue and is responsible for not only indicating you are full, but it will also rev up your metabolism.
The key to this is we have to learn which foods will inhibit Grehlin production and which foods will increase Leptin production.
So now we know what we have to do, right? Well, not so fast. Just as you are staring at your tiny plate with your tiny meal getting ready to torture yourself so you can fit into that tiny bikini, your body begins it's war against you and develops "Leptin Resistance". In other words, it will lower the production of Leptin, which is exactly what you need to lose weight. No wonder we fail at dieting all the time.
After doing several days of researching this subject, I came upon this program. I watched it, I understood what they were talking about, from my research and I joined the program. I have to say that I have lost 10# in one week and it was actually easy. I wasn't hungry and I have not exercised once, yet. I do plan on it this next week but I was busy this week.

This program is even saving me money because I was going to go in and start the HCG and B-12 shots again at the local weight loss clinic. Eventhough it didn't really work for me last time around, I figured I would give it another try.
Anyways, take a look at the video and see what you think. Click Here!

World's Best Natural Eye Cream

I thought this was a genius idea so I wanted to share it with you. This is a great, natural eye cream that you can make at home and it will save you a bundle.
Take a couple Vitamin E capsules and open them up and mix with a bit of coconut oil and you have just made an inexpensive, natural, chemical free eye cream.
I do not see why you couldn't use this as a face cream as well.
I'm going to pick up some Vitamin E and try this. Let me know how it works for you!

Help Your Skin Get Rid Of Wrinkles With DMAE

DMAE for Skin

DMAE comes in many forms. It comes in cream, lotion, serum, powder and capsules. DMAE products are said to offer anti-aging benefits. As a matter of fact, Dr. Perricone who is a famous dermatologist to the stars and had a very high end skin care line uses DMAE in his products.While research on DMAE's effectiveness in skin-care is fairly limited, there's some evidence that using DMAE-based products may help improve skin.
A research review written by the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology states that "DMAE may help increase skin firmness and curb inflammation in skin". They also analyzed research that had previously been published and found that DMAE also may help to reduce fine lines and improve the overall appearance of aging skin. Also, in the review they author stated that DMAE does not appear to cause adverse effects (such as peeling and dryness).
Dr. Perricone sells products containing DMAE and they are around $200 or you can make your own. In the video you will learn how to make your own face cream. Also, you will see the woman talk about St. Ives Collagen Cream. That cream can be purchased at any pharmacy or I have bought mine at Walmart for around $5 for a big jar. Dr. Oz actually talked about that face cream on his show and said it was a great product. So it is a good base to use to make your own DMAE cream.

Brazillian Butt Lift~Kim Kardashian's Secret To Her Huge Butt

Here is another procedure that people get that want to have a bulbous butt.  Some celebrities have gotten it done and look good. Others like Kim Kardashian thinks more is better and doesn't know when to stop.
Take a look and at the Brazillian butt lift. Yesterday we showed the S curve butt lift but they are very similar. You can take a look at that video too.

How Do Celebrities Get Their Big Butts? Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery and Results Video Shows You How

10 yrs ago women wanted normal lips and small butts. In comes Angelina with her fake injected lips and everyone wanted the big fish lips. Next came J Lo with her big butt and people like Kim Kardashian was at the time just a celebrity wannabee, who wanted to look like JLo. That is when the Brazillian butt lift and the S curve butt lift became popular.
Here is a video that will show you exactly how these celebrities get their butts to look the way they do.

Paula Deen's Brown Sugar Scrub Recipe

Source: PaulaDeen.com 

I found this recipe from Paula Deen for a brown sugar scrub. It's simple and cheap to make and is a great exfoliator and  your skin will be so soft and smooth after. You can use it yourself or make it for gifts.
Yields a 14 oz. container


1 cup Dark Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil, can substitute Sweetened Almond Oil or Vegetable Oil
1 teaspoon Vitamin E (squeeze out liquid from capsule)
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract , optional (or another citrus essential oil)
1 tablespoon honey (not necessary but good for dry skin)


In a medium bowl, mix oil, vitamin E & the vanilla (or the essential oil). Add the brown sugar and mix well.
This scrub can be used in the shower. Just rub it on, scrub your skin and rinse it off.  Can be used daily. 
 Note: Please be careful as it will make your shower floor slippery.
 Gift Packaging Tip:  Save plastic containers from other products and replace the label with one made on the computer. Tie it up with a pretty ribbon and it will be the perfect gift or keep it for yourself!

Belly Busting Detox Water Recipe

With bikini season right around the corner, it is time for us to get back in shape and I mean fast! Help get rid of that buldging belly by flushing out toxins in your body with this Belly Busting Detox Recipe.
Belly Busting Detox Water Recipe:
1/2 gallon of distilled water~ helps to flush the toxins from our bodies
1 whole peeled cucumbers ~ due to the high silica content, cucumbers are a diuretic.   (if organic you can leave the skin)
1  lemon   to help flush the liver ( do not cheat and try to use bottled, it is not the same)
1 fresh orange ~helps to reduce cholesterol levels
10-15 fresh mint leaves~ helps to improve the flow of bile from liver to the gallbladder
10 ice cubes

MicroNeedling to Help With Cellulite, Wrinkles, Stretch-Marks & Scars

You are going to be amazed at this!  It has been around for years but it is just now becoming popular. It's called Micro Needling or Derma roller Therapy and it can be used to regrow hair, scarring, stretch marks, acne scars, wrinkles and the dreaded cellulite!

You can get this  treatment done in a plastic surgeon's office or a medical spa or you can order a derma roller and some serums and do it yourself in your home. I called several Dr's offices and the treatments start at $100  (depending on area) but they wanted to sell me packages of 12 for $1,000 for my face.

I ordered my own products and I am trying it out now.

Here is my opinion so far. Does it hurt? yes it does. I didn't buy Lidocaine cream and I will be ordering from Amazon soon. It stings  around my mouth, crows feet area and forehead. But I have done my entire face and other parts didn't hurt and I also did my hands and that didn't hurt at all.

Also, you can go out right after but I would suggest you do it on a day you will be staying home only because I think it is important to give your skin a day break without makeup. However, you could easily do it at night, put on the Vit C serum and then go to sleep. In the AM it would be fine to wash your face and put on makeup.
If you would be using it for hair regrowth, I would use Minoxidil and not Vit C.

Also, if you are going to try it, I suggest you buy at least 2 sizes because to get around your eyes is going to be tough with a bigger one. I have not yet purchased one big enough for my legs for cellulite. I figured I would try my face first and see if I like the results, then I would buy a bigger one.

I figure, I have wasted a lot of money going to the Dr's office for other treatments for my face and every skin care "miracle cure" that is out there.  So I can spend $100 and have the lido cream, a couple derma rollers and the Vit C serum and be able to give myself many, many treatments.  How can I go wrong?

Note: As always, talk to your Dr. before you start any more skin care program.
So with that said, here is the video, sit back and enjoy!

Source: Derma Roller Systems