
Natural Detox Bath Recipes

I have found a new way to help detox my body even more on the inside and the outside as well. So if we drink the cranberry drink it will help us flush toxins out of our systems. But here are a couple recipes that you can use to help detox even more. Do them about 2 X a week for best results.

Epsom Salts Bath

Pour 2 cups of Epsom salts under hot running water and swirl around to help it dissolve. If you want to add a few drops of essential oils, you can do it at this time. Lemon is a great oil to use to help get the lymphatic system moving. Once the tub is filled, get in and soak for about 40 min. Not only will this draw the toxins out but it will also relax every muscle in your body. It is best to do this and then wrap yourself up in a big robe and get in bed.

I guarantee you that you will sleep like a baby.

Ginger Bath

Grate 1/4 Cup of fresh ginger ( or 2 TBS powder ginger) and put it in a cheese cloth or muslin bag. (It will help keep your drain from clogging.) If you use the powder ginger you do not have to put it in a muslin bag. Run a tub of hot water and then drop the bag into the water. Get into the tub and soak for about 40 minutes. You can keep adding hot water if you have to to keep it warm.

The ginger will make you sweat out toxins from your pores. Once you have soaked, dry off and wrap yourself up in a sheet or blanket and get in bed. The ginger on your skin will continue to make you sweat for about 1 more hour.

Remember more is not better. Do not do these detox baths more than 2 times per week and as always check with your health care practitioner before starting any detox program.

1 comment:

Dr Floras said...

Indeed stuff… You are incredible! Found very informative text. I’m looking forward to next more interesting posts. Just keep it up…