
Rebound For Cellulite Now!

I know awhile ago I talked about how I 100% believed that cellulite was from a poor lymphatic system and not from fat. This is why you see skinny celebs like Paris, Nicky, Misha Barton,etc. who are all young and skinny and they have cellulite. Right?

Well, if you google lymphatic systems you will see what it does for us and know that this is what flushes the toxins out.

Anyway, I went for a lymphatic massage and the therapist agreed with me about the lymph system and it's role in the removal of cellulite.

I found this video on youtube just so you could see what I am talking about with these rebounders. They are great to move your lymph and help with the toxins.

I am not telling you to buy this one in the video, as a matter of fact I would highly suggest you don't spend this kind of money on one. I picked one up at my sporting good store for $30. I saw them at Walmart for $15 but they were pretty small. Mine doesn't have the handle but I am only using it for cellulite so all I have to do is bounce.

The therapist I went to suggested 10 minutes to start with and work up to 30. She also told me I didn't even have to lift my feet off the trampoline. So my feet never lose contact with the surface. Just a light bounce. Naturally get your Dr. to tell you it is OK for you to start an exerciose routine first.

Anyway, check it out and see what you think.

1 comment:

TetraMom said...

Really, "Justin?" I thought women mostly got cellulite>?