
Do You Have A Buddha Belly?

So I have been doing some research as to why women collect weight in their belly area.It seems like you wake up one day and there it is. Lay on your side and it just flops on the bed like a secret little friend. Always close by.

I don't have any big break through info but basically cut out starchy carbs, eat more small meals/day, exercise. Also we are recommended to do a protein chaser before meals and gives protein/fat/carb ratio to follow (I think it basically means eat more protein). I am going to try it for a month a see how I do. One of the things I read to do is measure our abdomen. Mine was up two inches from the last time I measured!!!! How depressing is that? I have already been doing a modified low carb diet—It used to work but it is not working anymore. I allowed myself rice/corn/potatoes occasionally—I am cutting them out for a month. I'll keep you posted.

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