
Celebrity Cellulite? Is it possible to get rid of cellulite? Check out these tips......

Source: Listcovery.com

Celebrities have it, skinny women have it, chubby women have it, teens have it, athletes have it, models have it, so can anything be done to get rid of it?

Rich people have access to the best trainers, chief's, laser treatments, plastic surgeons,etc. and they still have it. So is there anything that really can help???

I believe that we have to start within our bodies to help work on this problem. So I have done research and these are the things that can help us deal with the cottage cheese thighs:

1.) Circulation: I do believe that a big problem is poor lymphatic circulation. I have seen fat women with no cellulite and yet I have also seen skinny teens with it. So that should tell us there is another problem. I think that if you rebound or something else that will get the lymph system moving, It will help move that lymph fluid that is loaded with toxins.

2.) Strengthen The Vessels: This is very important to reducing cellulite since the vessels are the way that the nutrients reach the layer of dermis and the dermis is the where the damage occurs which causes the cellulite. By strengthening the vessels will keep the skin cells fed and will assist in getting the toxins out of the body. What is the easiest way to strengthen the vessels? Vitamin C! It is the nutrient that is needed for our bodies to make collagen and elastin which keep the walls of the veins and arteries flexible and strong.

The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends taking 500 to 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C three times a day for artery and vein health.

3.)Promote the production of collagen, elastin and healthy connective tissue. Collagen is so important is because healthy, youthful looking skin depends upon it to rebuild and to stay soft and supple. Collagen found within connective tissue is the main structural protein of the skin and when it becomes damaged, it’s not pretty.  It's almost like a mesh grid that the lumps will push up through and cause the lumpy look.

So, as stated above in #2, Vitamin C is what will help. Most fruits are good sources of Vitamin C so try to make fruits a staple addition to your everyday diet. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, tomato, brussel sprouts and cucumber are also good sources of this vitamin. A smoothie is a quick way to consume a large dose of vitamin C.

4.)Keep skin cells well hydrated. It will help them stay strong and prevent the fat cells from pushing through to the top of the skin and causing dimpling to be more visible.

5.)Prevent and stop free-radical damage which can damage the skin cells and make it more susceptible to cellulite.

6.) Prevent inflammation in the skin which will increase the chances of cellulite occurring. Everything from sun,elements, diet, smoking, products on skin all can be the cause of inflammation in the skin.

7.) Nourish cell membranes means stronger cells membranes which in turn means your cells are better able to keep water in and remain hydrated. How do we do this? It's all about diet! Research show that the nutrients we eat has a major influence in our cells membranes. In particular fats we eat. So if we eat healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and nuts, are needed for your cell membranes to have the correct shape and ability to communicate. When you eat saturated fats, or trans-fatty acids, like the ones found in chips and cookies, these fats also become part of your cell membranes. The problem with these is that they are more rigid and don't function like unsaturated fats and become brittle.

Foods we should eat to help stop cellulite

Dr. Oz surveyed dermatologists and almost 90% believe that what we eat affects the appearance of our skin. Experts have complied a list of foods that help with the appearance of cellulite. Here it is:
1.) Foods that are rich in water content such as watercress, watermelon, zucchini and cucumbers. There are others so just research fruits and veggies with a high water content.

2.) Tomatoes are another good food because they are high in lycopene which can prevent collagen breaking down. They are also good for your eyes. Look for fruits and veggies that are red in color as they are usually high in lycopene.
3.)Eggs are a good food to prevent cellulite as they are high in lecithin which will help regulate nutrients that enter and leave our cells but they also keep them water tight. Eggs should be pouched or boiled and never fried.

4.) Bananas are one of the foods with the highest highest potassium-to-sodium ratio, which makes bananas an excellent snack for women prone to developing cellulite. Sodium increases water retention which is associated with cellulite and potassium has the opposites effect. Also, they are known for promoting circulation which prevents toxins from building up.

5.)Barley is a super grain for fighting excess pounds and cellulite. Not only is it low in calories, it also has the lowest Glycemic Index rating of all grains. Grains that have a high GI rating  are quickly broken down by the body and cause a rapid, large rise in blood glucose levels.  That triggers the pancreas to release large amounts of insulin. Insulin is what is necessary for our bodiesto be able to use glucose for energy. High amounts of insulin cause out bodies to store  fat in the body. But in contrast, low-GI carbs such as barley take much longer to digest and cause only a small, slow rise in the blood glucose and insulin levels. In addition, low GI foods can reduce cravings and keep us feeling full longer.

6.) Water, Water and more Water!!!!! Although water is not a food, water is a top cellulite-fighting tool because water helps flush out toxins that can contribute to the build-up of cellulite. Also,  if you are not drinking enough water, it will cause your body to retain water which will increase the appearance of cellulite. Also, drinking water helps us feel full longer and if you drink ice water, your body will have to warm it up before it can be used so that increases the calories burned. Staying hydrated encourages our body to use the kidneys, rather than the liver, for eliminating waste products. Our liver's main function is the conversion of energy from stored body fat. If the liver doesn't have to deal with eliminating waste, then it can concentrate on mobilizing body fat.

7.) Chili and Cayenne Peppers are a great tool  for fighting cellulite. Chili is an excellent source of vitamin C, E, and potassium, all proven to be great at fighting cellulite. Also, it is a concentrated source of vitamin B6, with one tablespoon of chili powder providing 14% of the recommended daily intake.

Researchers found that capsaicin in hot chilis could increase the resting metabolic rate (the rate at which the body burns carbohydrates and fats at rest) by up to 25%.  In one trial, half of the subjects were given tomato juice with chili powder, while the rest drank it plain. Those who drank the drink with capsaicin consumed 16% fewer calories on average.

8.) Blueberries are a superfood for busting cellulite. They are packed with vitamin C which we know boost collagen production as well as strengthen the skin. They also help with removing free-radicals and will protect from oxidation. Nutritionist state that it  will help promote thicker skin.

9.)  Oily fish is an excellent source of amino acids which is the building blocks of protein. Remember protein is needed for our bodies to function and to build muscle and renew our cells. If we build more muscle we will burn more fat.  This is why trainers are always telling us to build more muscle to lose weight. Keep in mine you can also get your protein from eggs, beans, chicken,etc.

 10.) Ginger can suppress appetite, rev up our metabolism, aids  in digestion and can improve circulation.  It is best known for its digestive powers, ginger root is also an excellent cellulite buster. Ginger root can suppress our appetites and rev up metabolism help us to weight loss. It is true that it aids digestion and also can improve circulation, which in turn can help rid the body of cellulite. Fresh ginger is the best to use and can be added to soups, smoothies and even in your bathtub.

11.) Kale is another super green food. It is loaded with cellulite fighting nutrients. Vit C, potassium and calcium.

12.) Pineapple is another super food for cellulite busting. It is loaded with vitamin C which stimulates the production of collagen and  vitamin K which improves circulation. It also has bromelain in it which is an anti-inflammatory enzyme.

Disclaimer: Consult your health care practitioner before taking supplements.

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